Monday, 10 May 2010

What are other people doing?

This Parable of the Talents idea has caught people's imagination.

People are getting together and making:
Soup and bread

There's a computer whizz setting up a website. Sorry, don't know the address yet.

Somebody who's fired up by development issues is going to lend my money to an organisation in Africa. Details at

Best of all, people are talking together about their projects.

Why, people are talking together so much, we may be able to form the next government!


  1. We have doubled your money already!! By investing 10pds of our own, we have been able to invest in

    MUSABE Valentine who owns a clinic of Kinesitherapi in Rwanda. She started this clinic in 2006 .she helps people like those who suffered from muscle pains. Like massage, she helps different patients who have pain, those who have difficulties in chest, legs, sports like Jim tonic, food supplement, and consultation .Valentine is married with two children.

  2. There's a songbook in the works, and the website is '' though there's nothing there yet...
